Saturday, February 20, 2016

Deadpool Review

If the poster wasn't obvious enough, please don't take your kids to see Deadpool. It's rated R.

Deadpool. One of the most hyped comic book characters that has been breaking the forth wall for....nearly 30 years! Yep, that's right, and it only took six to get this movie greenlit! But, what this movie does the best is take an iconic character and treat him in a way that new comers will understand who he is and hopefully fall in love with him, and let long time fans actually geek out on one of the best adapted characters to hit the screen.

Ryan Reynolds hits it out of the park in this uber raunchy, violent, and sex joke obsessed movie. From the opening credits not even naming a single name, but stating the truth like "Produced by world's biggest douche," or "the writers are the heroes," or even, "a British villain." This film knows exactly what it is and embraces it in so much love.

The action is one of the best I've seen utilized in a superhero movie, and even though it's R rated it doesn't make the killings any gory, or even glorifies it. Usually it's a quick shot and then it's gone, or a quick shot and then a joke, but they always try to get away from Deadpool's awful deeds relatively quickly. In fact, this whole film is fast paced, I mean, from introducing Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead to establishing Wade's romantic past, this film hits all the notes you want in such a great manner.

I see so many films try to squeeze in romance to get the female audience, but it's never done well and....well, just look at Jane Foster from Thor. Has she really done anything other than ogle those Hemsworth abs? But this film genuinely had me believe that these two people were in love, and in fact this whole movie was more of a romantic-comedy-action flick than a superhero film and I loved that! The jokes are fast and furious going everywhere every second, and this film will have you dying with laughter.

The character are all wonderful from the heavy hitters like Deadpool and the X-men, but even the small characters leaves an impression on you. When Wade was going through the superhero program he bonds with this guy for like two minutes, and when he pops up again at the end of the film you're like "hey he's that guy!" and even characters that don't necessarily need to be in the film, like Blind Al, but provides more context to Deadpool's life and comedy. Let me tell you that I died laughing when Blind Al was talking about how love is blind, and Deadpool and touching her with his baby hand and says "No, you're blind." It's this type of comedy that's seeped into this whole film, and I don't think any one person can get all the jokes with only one viewing of it, but I will say that the Zamboni scene was probably my favorite.

I think Colossus has been in three x-men films, and it wasn't until Deadpool that he not only gets a line, but is done so perfectly. I mean, he's one of the best X-men characters, and as soon as he was on screen I felt like he was stealing the movie for me. His character really balances out Deapool's in such a way that it not only makes for great conflict, but it makes the jokes hit that much harder like the "your poor wife" scene. Even Negasonic Teenage Warhead had a cool character arc where Deadpool was trying to make her like him. I mean, every character kept stealing the screen and trying to be....well awesome!! And Negasonic's X-men uniform? The best they ever made. Even the X-mansion was brilliant, and I dare say that Deadpool isn't just a great comic book movie, but it's the most faithful adaptation of the X-men I think we'll ever get to see.

Deadpool is balls to the wall pure enjoyment that I think a lot of people will find refreshing, and satisfying. From the fourth wall breaks, to the little easter eggs hidden in nearly every scene, this film checks off all the boxes for me to call it Amazeballs!! The only gripe I have against it, however, is the fact that I felt a little fatigued about going through his backstory/origin, but without that this movie wouldn't have been as good. One of these days I do hope we get a superhero movie where they don't explain somebody's origin and makes us infer what it is, but that day isn't today. The most shocking this about this film, however, was that there were so many kids in my theater. I mean, there was an eight year old sitting behind me! Just because it's a superhero flick doesn't mean the rating is automatically PG13. The kids were fine in the film, and I'm sure they loved it, but it still puts a question into my head on what their parents were really thinking. And something tells me they're going to have an awkward conversation when he asks Mom and Dad about Women's day.

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