Sunday, February 8, 2015

My Top 10 Films of 2014!

Yes, I know that it is 2015, but I thought I'd start with my list from 2014 to start off my new blog.
2014 is the first year that I started doing a top 10 films list and am excited to share with all of you. While I would love to write a review for each individual film on my list, I decided to keep is short and sweet with just a few sentences and a picture of the poster.
My first movie is...

10. St. Vincent
Starring the amazing Bill Murray, and a great performance by Jaeden Lieberher as a child actor. The chemistry between these two characters are fun to watch and while it is more drama than comedy, it takes a trope that the audience always accepts and not thinks about, and really fleshes out Murray's character to a very satisfying ending.

9. 22 Jump St.
I loved the first movie, 21 jump st, and the fact that they did everything right while making fun of itself and having fun every minute of it. I'd say that this one did just a bit better than the first and if they ever make a 3rd one I'm sure they'd knock it out of the park as well.

8. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
I loved the fact that they were rebooting the Apes franchise, especially after that disaster directed by Tim Burton, and what I got exceeded my expectation by miles. Now, with a successful franchise growing, the second one comes out and like the first is a big smash. While I think it's a notch under the first film, it was still an amazing experience that really showed the beginnings of an ape community. I still get chills when Caesar yells.

7. The Lego Movie
Out of every movie that premiered in 2014, this one was the most surprising to me. I thought it would just be another kiddy movie, but no! I actually enjoyed this movie so much and was eating it up. I enjoyed every aspect in it from the singing Batman, to the ridiculous villain, and Green Lantern trying to be friends with Superman. Yes Emmet, everything is awesome.

6. The Grand Budapest Hotel
My first introduction to Wes Anderson was his last film, Moonrise Kingdom and damn was that amazing. While I believe Moonrise to be better than Budapest, the Grand Budapest Hotel is a thrilling comedy, that you will love with every viewing. As always the camera shots and the color is phenomenal, the comedy is spot on and the stellar cast keeps on going.

5. Godzilla 
Now I am a huge Godzilla fan, when I heard that the American's were remaking Godzilla I was thrilled, considering the last film was ten years ago in 2004 with Godzilla: Final Wars. Then I heard that Gareth Edwards was directing it, I had watched his previous movie, Monsters, and fell in love with it. While many didn't like the slow pacing of the reveal of Godzilla, I loved it and it made his appearance even more impact! Although, if he does the same for the sequel (which he is directing after Star Wars) then I'm not sure if I'd like it as much. The slow reveal is great for a beginning film, but now your just teasing us. (The next Godzilla film to come out is in 2016 by the original Japanese company).

4. Foxcatcher
Foxcatcher is one of those films where the characters are what is driving the film forward, and the pace is slower than any film I've seen. But I loved it! I was invested in every character, every minor gesture they did, every small reaction, line, anything. I felt exhausted walking out of the theater to this, but man is this an experience. To me this is Channing Tatum's best role so far, he doesn't say much but his actions speak louder than words (that mirror smash though O.O). In fact every actor is at the top of their game in this film, and while I do believe the film could have gone faster to cover the story after where it decided to end, but I was content with what they had. This is one of those films where I thought "Yeah it was good," but as I kept thinking about it on the way home I felt more and more enthusiastic about this film.

3. Snowpiercer
Now if you are paying attention to release dates, you may be wondering "why is snowpiercer on this list? Didn't it come out in 2013?" Well resourceful reader, it did. But, it came out in the States in 2014 so I think of it as a 2014 film since that is when it came into a theater near me. Is this film amazing you ask? Hells yeah! Not only is it a great action movie, their are layers of great meaning behind each watch. The first time is just the amazing story, the next you find out "oh that could mean..." and so on and so on with each watch. Chris Evans does a great performance, and I actually barely recognized him in this. This film is classified as a Foreign film and yes there are subtitles, but that only amounts to maybe 10% of the film.

2. The Imitation Game
Benedict Cumberbatch is one of those actors that I tend to keep an eye out for. No matter how good the movie is he tends to always bring his A-game and put on a great performance. The Imitation Game had great acting all around, and Cumberbatch probably played his most tragic role to date. Seeing the history of his character, and learning his future had a very heavy cloud on my heart. I was almost to tears when he was breaking down at the officers who were trying to take down Christopher. Like snowpiercer, the imitation game should be watched multiple times as you see the layers form. The title alone is an allusion to who Turing was as a person.

And my number one movie of 2014 is.......(Drum role please!)

1. Whiplash
Wow! Just wow, this film delivers on so many amazing feats that I am astonished every time I watch it. I had the chance to see this twice at Sundance at the beginning of 2014 and was blown away by it. Each time I watched it the theater was full and everyone silent, and gasping together was we shared this amazing experience. After it came out in theaters in the fall I watched it again, and again. A total of 4 times and never once did I not have my full attention on the film. Miles Teller does an amazing performance, especially on the drums. When you watch the film and you think how much of that he is actually doing, it's remarkable that 90% of it is him. Only the close ups are not, and the pieces he places are just astoundingly hard. J.K. Simmons puts forth his most badass character as we see his and Miles go at it in an escalating fashion. I was on the edge of my seat the entire ride and the last 15 minutes will knock your socks off. You'll sit there and digest what your eyes had beheld.

Honorary Mentions: 

The films listed here are not in my top 10 list because I watched them in January of 2015. Had I watched them in 2014 they would have definitely gone on the list, taking out 22 Jump Street and St Vincent, Nightcrawler may have even broke into my top 5.

Chef: Starring and Directed by Jon Favreau, this tale of a famous Chef that lost his job and reconnects with his son is a must see. It is one of the best films about a father trying to be with his son again, and it has a good subplot-esque about social media.

Nightcrawler: Oh. My. God. I have recently been getting into Jake Gyllenhaal's work more and more, but with Nightcrawler he ascends to one of those actors that I have to look out for. He plays a creepy, deathly thin guy who will do anything to keep an honest living at a job. It explores the not too familiar profession of video taping accidents and selling it to news stations. This film is so hauntingly brilliant that I need to watch over and over.

So that is my top 10 list of 2014, tell me what you think and put yours down as well, I love seeing what everyone thinks since there will be many variations in each individual list :)

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