Sunday, May 31, 2015

San Andreas Review

"The Earth will literally crack and you will feel it on the East Coast."
                                                            - Lawrence Hayes

Dwayne Johnson Versus an Earthquake! Yeah, it's that awesome. I wasn't sure what to expect, hell I even thought I wouldn't see this months ago, but while the trailers came out I started to change my mind. Then, on a rainy day (like today) I decided to go see it and boy did I love it. The Rock himself gives another great popcorn movie and if you don't see this film then you're not average.

The best part about this film is probably the CGI. I can't possibly think how you could make this movie as good as it is not using CGI. The quakes (yes there is more than one) really create disaster and everything in the frame is either moving, crumbing, shaking, or exploding. The visuals alone are worth the price of admission and lets face it, the visuals are the reason why you would go see something like this. And because this film is so heavy with the visuals it just boggles my mind at how much money they had to spend to create cities on the West Coast tumbling and crumbling. The Special effects were just astounding.

On a side note, I unfortunately saw it in 3D (only time I was available) and I must admit I barely noticed that I was watching 3D. I feel like this was a film that was not initially made with 3D in mind and the studio said "post convert it and get some extra $$$" because it feels like a 2D movie.

All the characters are likable, well except for one since he's supposed to be that douche you want to die by the end of the film. But while I did like the characters, there were times I had to scratch my head at what they were doing. There were times where the younger actors would be walking to their destination, after a huge quake, death and destruction around them, and it looked like they were out for a walk in the park. They didn't seem terrified, or perturbed by the events until the next quake hit which really made the youngest character feel out of place when he changed from "happy-after-surviving-x-amount-of-quakes" to "what-there-is-another-one?!- I-want-to-go-home!" Then whenever the Rock said his one liners it felt more like Dwayne Johnson than his character.

But those points are very minor. Johnson does put heart into a few scenes which made me start to tear up, and even Paul Giamati did an excellent job (as always) and made the quakes really have weight to them.

Overall, this disaster flick is a wonderful eye-gasm spectacle that will keep your attention and enjoyment all the way through. If you hate pointless action movies and are snooty about characters and only their development then this is not for you. Between Dwayne Johnson being awesome and the amazing special effects on this film I'd say this is worthy to be a popcorn stuffing movie many, if not all, should see.


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