Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Captain America: The First Avenger

"I don't want to kill anyone. I don't like bullies; I don't care where they're from."
-Steve Rogers (Captain America)

By far the best Marvel movie when it was released. Captain America: The First Avenger really ups the stakes for all Marvel films after. This film is great on all levels, not only does it create an amazing comic movie, but also just a great action movie. The cinematography, score, acting, everything about this is great.

Chris Evans has now played two comic book superheroes; the human torch and Captain America, and man is Captain America a transformation. He really sold this movie and made you feel (or at least just me) patriotic while watching him believe in his country. The movie did a fantastic job at shrinking his body into a small weakling who uses his head.

This film not only tells the origin of Cap, but also connects to Iron Man 2 with Howard Stark making his big invention symposium. Speaking of Howard, he surprisingly has a bigger role than you'd think in this, and this introduced Agent Carter (whom both would appear in their own miniseries called Agent Carter).

Upon hearing this film, the first thing that really jumps out at you is star power. Out of all the Marvel movies, excluding Avengers for obvious reasons, this film has the most stars and make it feel more like an action movie. It has Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, and Stanley Tucci and boy are the performances great.

This film has a good balance of comedy and action, and surprisingly the comedy holds up better than I thought it would. I love how Cap over hears Howard and Carter talking about fondue thinking it's about sex, but really it just shows how innocent he is and I love it.

The action is great, the stunts and choreography is stunning.  The villain, the Red Skull (which I'm not even sure he is called that in the movie) was great, but sadly it sounds like he won't be coming back...he had such a strong presence and could really give Captain some grief.

By now you can probably guess that I really love this movie, so much so that I really love the costumes. And personally I think that Cap's costume in this film (technically the second one including the stage costume) is the best in any film that Cap has been in. I mean just look at that costume!

One thing I don't understand is ow much hate this movie gets. So many people say that this film is the worst in the MCU, which boggles my mind. After rewatching this film I think this could possibly be my favorite out of all the Marvel films, yes even better than Avengers. Because in the overall aspect it's a well made movie, well directed, and great to watch.


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