Thursday, April 16, 2015

All Is Lost

"I fought till the end."
                                 -Main Character that has no name

I knew that I'd like this, but wow i really love this film. Now many people would probably have heard this film is infamous/famous (depending on how you look at it, but mostly famous) for it having no dialogue. While this film barely has dialogue, it's not fully non dialogue. You hear a speech at the beginning, a curse word in the middle and some mutterings as the main character who has no name is trying to survive.

Robert Redford does a splendid job dominating this movie. These types of movies are always risky because there is only one character pulling the audience along, and this one really achieves that. Like Buried, All is Lost sucks you into this man's life and in a very gripping way. While there is no dialogue you understand 95% of what he is doing. Maybe 70% if you don't know anything about boats on the sea.

The music is wonderful, but like the dialogue it is sparse. In fact I think the music doesn't come in until the second half of the movie. Even then, the first half was so compelling that you barely noticed that there were no music.

CG was heavily utilized in this, I mean come on, Robert Redford would never be allowed to actually film in a storm. But, while there are parts that are CG heavy they do a really good job of selling it. The non CG parts really made it look like he was in the middle of the ocean, probably off the coast a ways in some parts when they shot it.

Overall this is a fantastic film, that even though it doesn't have any dialogue, you'll be so attached to the character and what happens to him. If you don't like silent movies, then this may not be for you, but I do think if you give it a chance you'll be hooked and love it as much as I have.


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