Thursday, March 26, 2015

Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith

"You were the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them. You were to bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness." - Obi-Wan

Whether you like the prequels or not you can't deny that this is the best film of the prequels. This film is what everyone's been wanting the prequels to be, to dive into the man before Darth Vader and really explore where his hatred came from. This is also the end of the clone wars, the Jedi, Rise of the Empire, and really every major progression to get to the world of A New Hope is in this film. Which I find strange because I want to know why they put everything in one film rather than build it through the three films. Yes, Episode II does take some liberties, but not as much as I would have liked. I also find it strange that Episode II is the beginning of the clone wars and Episode III is the end, which is most likely deliberate from Lucas so he could make The Clone Wars TV show. For fans who don't want the TV show I bet they feel gypped because they could have had a whole movie devoted to the clone wars, hell they could have had Episode I as Attack of the Clones, a clone wars movie as Episode II and keep Revenge of the Sith as Episode III, now that is a trilogy that makes sense.

Anywho, Episode III really showcases how much their CGI techniques improved since Episode II is amazing. The visual effects still stand up today and I'm not cringing at them, although it does tend to be obvious when they show a green screen. Unlike the other prequels, this one has the best lightsaber fights, and more lightsaber fights than in any film. Like the books, the lightsabers are fast and swift. There are no awkward pauses and wordy insults on who is more powerful. The action is intense and what people have been waiting for.

Not only does this film advance the plot towards the original trilogy, but it also fills in a bit of history of Palpatine. We learn about his master Darth Plagueis, which makes Anakin want the power to save lives by gaining the dark side of the force. 

Unfortunately, the biggest problem with this film is the actor who plays Anakin. He shows no expression, doesn't react to anything, and keeps a monotone voice throughout the movie until the very very end. It's really hard for me to feel bad for this guy if he acts like nothing is going wrong for him. On the flip side I really liked Obi-wan in this movie. I feel like this was the best thing to happen to Obi-wan and out of all the characters that survive his felt the best made.

This film also introduces to us so many cool planets, animals, and General Grievous. The badass mostly robot thing that wields four lightsabers! What?! That's awesome...and he dies. Que Clone Wars TV show.

While this still hinders on the same things that its predecessors had there were still many aspects that I really liked about this film and made it able to be rewatched without feeling like I'm forcing myself through torture. The lightsaber battles are top notch and overall this is the film that produces the most story progression and technically the only film you really should see before the main trilogy.


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