Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

"It takes team work to make a dream work." - Sonny Kapoor

Sequels are films that continue a story, and try to be at least as good or even better than the first one. The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel is a great sequel, in fact it doesn't even feel like a sequel. I think of it as the next chapter in these people's lives, and that is one of the reasons why I love this film.

Right off the bat, the film shows off its comedy and compared to the first film this one is so much funnier. While drama is the heart of both films, this one leans on comedy a lot more and in turn makes it a lot more enjoyable for me. The characters are fleshed out from the first film and that really helps because you're sitting there just waiting to see these amazing characters interact, and boy is it awesome.

I admit that this film does have the whole "I think my fiancee is cheating on me, woe is me, and other cliched story elements" but I didn't mind because there were so many characters to follow and each with their own story line that I wanted to really know how these people deal in those situations. I love how the story lines can go from simple to crazy like "Is she cheating on me?" to "I think I put out a hit on my girlfriend."

This film really puts you in a feel good mood and Maggie Smith really shines in this film. While she was somewhat underused in the first, this one has her out and center and she is a delight to watch on screen. Every character is amazing and you want to be with them on their journey through life. You'll love everyone in this film, well except for one and if you've seen the first you can guess who.

By no means is this film perfect, but it's one of the most solid films from the beginning of 2015 to come out and will just put you in such a jolly mood. You don't have to watch the first one to watch this, but you'll definitely get a much better experience if you do watch the first because this film opens and expects you to know all these characters so that they don't have to waste time introducing them. This film really has heart and the characters are really the driving force of this film.


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